I become unbreakable...
*Head by Lelutka Eon EVOX @ Mainstore
(Shape by me)
*Skin by Tableau Vivant @ Mainstore
*Ear Addons: Badwolf - Shadows Earrings (Evox Man) @ Mainstore
*L'Emporio&PL::*Xander*:: Earrings -Lelutka EvoX Elf male @ Mainstore
*Piercings: .:E.A.Studio:.Piercing mouth Nerfertiti ( MOD A ) Silver
.:E.A.Studio:. Septum Astrid
.:E.A.Studio:. Piercing Bare Code Silver all @ Mainstore
[CX] Lance Piercing @ Mainstore
which Tableau Vivant skin are you using? I love those eyebrows but they didn't match any of the skins I demo'd there, are they from another store?